воскресенье, 20 сентября 2009 г.

Footy fights and females farts

The local football season comes to a close today, which is worrying and pleasing all in one. Worrying due to the likely behavioural problems and pleasing because we won’t have to put up it after today. With that in mind, the dress code was in force tonight – that was, any sign of club or sport colours were not permitted. Of course I had my fair share of mostly guys wearing team colours, which I requested they remove before entering. All complied. Then Miss “It’s My Right” decided to have a stand up argument about the policy. I resolved this by telling her that this is the policy, if she wants to enter she has to remove it. There was no reason she could not, because she had a full top on underneath.

A guy who has repeatedly turned up for the last few weeks at lockout time, finally turned up in time to get in. This was a short live treat, as he came out for a smoke and got into a fight, so I would not let him back in. Much arguing and discussion ensued. The result, he will be bared for a long time.

Ladies don’t fart. This woman was clearly not a lady. She came to the door with some regular lesbians appearing to be with them. As I asked for her ID, she let one rip which was quite disgusting and rank. The lesbians wanted to be sure to let me know, they were NOT with her. Not wanting to consume this I walked away from the door and let her in. I contacted through my radio the other bouncer and told her to deal with it. She later left and tried to return, I refused her entry on the grounds she was drunk, but, wow she stunk.

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