среда, 30 сентября 2009 г.

30/09/2009 GFest 09: word is getting out, BIG Thanks to you all!

GFest 09 publicity is going out. The generosity of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans (LGBT) people and friends of GFest, who are re-tweeting & sharing the GFest 09 programme announcement on social media (Twitter/ Facebook/ Myspace / Digg etc.), is almost touching and is certainly exemplary.

A Big thank you to you all (I hope you’re reading this) for your kind help in spreading a word at this time,  since as a small arts charity,  we are greatly relying upon your generous support in making GFest 09 as successful as the last few years.

If 100 of you send a word amongst your 100 friends, GFest news or London’s LGBT cross art festival news can easily reach to 10 K people.

Please keep up the good work & let’s all ensure that great quality and the news of LGBT arts reaches to maximum number of people.


GFest – gayWise LGBT Arts Festival (known in short as GFest), London’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender cross-art festival.GFest09pressads

GFest 09 dates: 9 to 22 November 2009.

GFest is organised by arts charity Wise Thoughts. GFest 09 is supported by venues, community partners and the Mayor of London.

WISE THOUGHTS / GFest – gayWise LGBT Arts Festival www.wisethoughts.org / www.gaywisefestival.org.uk

вторник, 29 сентября 2009 г.

casting shadows: free story erotic horror (part 3)

Come visit us over at Pen Flourish, the erotica imprint of Drollerie Press. Today, the free erotic horror story, Casting Shadows, concludes, and you may find the climax, although satisfying, is not what you expected.

Erotic horror not your cup of tea? How about a draught of literary erotica? The Green Hour is literary erotica that confounds bad choices with good liquor — and offers a nice helping of Rimbaud on the side.

Casting Shadows: A sensual lover and seasoned killer follows her heart, believing the only way she can overcome temptation is to give into it.

I had been seeing Charlotte for three years, after serendipity transformed an opportunistic hunt into a discussion. During that time, I sometimes imagined consuming her in an orgy of lust or attempting to turn her, as if I might hold onto her forever.

Now, as the ocean appeared like a second star field in motion, its blue depths rippling with black waves, it occurred to me that we don’t live in an ocean of time but only in island moments. More than most people, I could fully live each moment, because that was all I really had. I was immortal, but only Charlotte possessed eternity.

We kissed hesitantly, and she trembled until our awkward touches evolved into an intoxicated harmony of appetites. Her lips clenched mine, and her warm breaths caressed my cheek. I pressed my lips to hers and then spread her mouth to taste her moisture. She slowly dropped to the ground and I followed, until we lay together in the sand some distance from the ocean.  

The fresh scents of her shampoo and perfume couldn’t hide the smell of sweat made sweet by her day in the sun. I kissed the exquisite taste from her cheek and chin and worked my way down.

Cooing my name, she tipped her head back and her breath caught beneath my gentle bites. Saliva spilled from my lips when I realized I had her carotid. My fangs descended and my thoughts scattered. My senses scattered, too, so I was unsure what was most real: the hollow in my stomach, the longing between my legs, or the constriction that made it difficult to breathe. Releasing her throat, I struggled with love so intimately bruising, my chest ached.

I wanted to possess her, to make her love me and no one else. Mine was the love of death–love that accrues, dominates, and controls. The love of life heals and liberates, seeks meaning and connection. This was the love Charlotte possessed, or maybe it possessed her. As I let go of dying circumstances, a new mystery absorbed the world, making my touches about pleasing more than pleasure, but the clarity I cherished was gone from her gaze. That keen-eyed awareness was behind a wall of arousal, which strangely disappointed me.


Yes, I’ve been a little whore. I’m a self proclaimed Slut. I try to have class about it. My dear ***man whom I had only graced my sexual skills on by giving him head about a month ago, was invited to a mutual gathering. Needless to say we stumbled back to mine and used two out of the three condoms he had bought in his pocket as ‘preparation’. The sex was ok, nothing to scream home about, and the weird thing was, he shaved his chest hair? i’m still confused. I don’t understand why a guy would do that? Anyway, he was damn good at making me cum with his fingers deep inside me. I milked that as often as I could.

The following evening, I have always dreamt about Marrying a Canadian. The closest I have was fucking an American. And the Canadians are good. I haven’t proceeded to fuck him yet, I’m sure that will happen tonight. But he went down on me. And I have now discovered the 3rd person in the world who can make me cum through it. I was again also honored later that night with ‘best headjob I’ve ever had in my life!’ – his words. Oh how they echo the many men before him. I pride myself on being able to bring a man to cum on my command. My Boyfriend also taught me how to give a damn good Hand Job a few weeks ago so I’m starting to incorporate that into my already action packed 10minutes of mouth pleasure.

Canadian tasted good. And he kissed me long and hard right after I swallowed. I like a man who’s not afraid of his own dirties. He liked to pull my hair. Which I’m sure I get more satisfaction out of it then he does. Tonight I’m trying to try have a threesome with him. I’m on the hunt out of the many women I come across, to find one willing to let me tenderly peel their lacy’s off with my tongue, allow me to slide my fingers inside and play with her ass as my tastebuds flick long and hard over her clit, all the while, I’m getting fucked from behind.
I’m trying to find her, buts it a hard job to accomplish.

My Canadian likes to circle my clit with the tip of his fingers, He sure knows how to get a girls pussy pumping. He wanted some intimacy this morning. Something I only save for my boyfriend. He was politely refused.

Tonight I have my ‘crush’ coming over for some joints. There’s undeniable sexual tension. Oh how I would love to rip his clothes off and have him thrust into me with mad passion and fire in his eyes. He is a fisherman. A hot, Sexy, smooth Fisherman. Someone I would take home to marry. Pity I’m only here to fuck. I think he might be somewhat inhibited in the bedroom. I can’t wait to find out, teach him, blow his mind… and cock..

I’m trying to get this blog on my i-phone, So I can update with any action.

PS: I Think I’m a sex addict.

понедельник, 28 сентября 2009 г.

love casts out fear

So as usual, I’ve been meaning to update. Last I left off, I was seriously praying about coming out to my parents…again. But given my mom’s health and my god-grandmother’s funeral, I wasn’t sure if it would be the right timing when I went home for a wedding on Labor Day weekend. I flew home a bit anxious, but leaning more on the side of at least starting the conversation again. I wasn’t even sure how to bring it up and was praying that something would happen naturally. God is good to me, b/c He gave me a good opportunity to start the conversation. On Sunday, my mom and I played hookey from church (I had enough of answering people’s questions about my mom’s health at the wedding the prior day). My mom was relaxing in bed around 9am and I joined her. We were lounging in bed and watching the US Open and chitchatting. Our conversation wandered to a mutual friend we know and my mom told me that he’s struggled with homosexuality (which was news to me at the time). I saw my door, and I took it. I told her that it upsets me that the church condemns homosexuals and forces them into dark closets where they may end up doing dangerous and/or damaging things to themselves and loved ones. We discussed homosexuality and the church for a bit (she talked a bit about how God’s standard is for a man and a woman to be together and anything altered from that (homosexuality, divorce, single parent homes, single people) occurred after the fall and isn’t God’s standard but isn’t necessarily a sin/wrong. This conversation was so different from the first time we spoke about it. My mom wasn’t giving me black or white answers. In fact, she refused to. It was almost like she didn’t want to take a complete, firm stand.

Then my mom said that she and my dad just want me to be happy. They want to see me married and happy. I asked her if they’d be happy if I married someone they didn’t like. She said, “as long as you’re happy.” Then I asked, “What if I wanted to marry a woman?” That’s when my mom curled up in a ball into the covers and said (sort of cutely), “I’m not ready to talk about that.” I asked her if we’re going to be like a typical Chinese family and not talk about major issues and ignore them to keep the peace. She said, “no…I’m just not ready yet.” So instead, we continued the conversation about homosexuality and God and the Church w/o directly talking about me and what I’m dealing with. I know I need to respect my mom’s space and what she’s ready for. The last thing I want to do is dump the gay bag on her and run away leaving her and dad to deal with everything on their own. I love them and want them in my life for as long as possible. The conversation ended without any tension or controversy and was a GREAT way to open the door to more discussion.

While I was at home I really wanted to speak with an auntie from church that I grew up with. I respect her opinions and wisdom and I know she loves both me and my parents. She would be the first parental like authority figure I tell from home (other than my parents obviously). I loved that when I told her she didn’t even bat an eye. No judgment from her. She listened while I told her everything – EVERYTHING! Including about my girlfriend. She suggested that I tell my parents as soon as I could but we also spoke about homosexuality and Christianity. She has the same views as my parents (which isn’t surprising since she goes to our church and my parents teach there). She brought up and interesting comparison. She said she has 2 different hand blenders with 2 different sets of blades. Each set of blades are made for that particular hand blender but it’s possible to mix and match. However, if you do, they tend not to work as well. It’ll work, but not as good as when they’re used with the hand blender they’re made for. I think what bothers me most about this whole “God’s standard is for a man and a woman to be together” is that if that was the case – Christians should condemn divorce, single parents, and people who choose to be single/never marry (which – wouldn’t priests/nuns/monks be in this category as well??) just as much as homosexuals b/c they’re also not fulfilling God’s standard. My point isn’t that those things are wrong – but that the Bible has been interpreted so differently over the centuries. Depending on what time period you live in, the Bible was used to validate what it as used to condemn a century before. I’m getting off topic here, though I’ll talk about this in another post – which will probably be in another friggin month.

After talking to my auntie, I was just mentally exhausted (I spoke to her the same day I spoke with my mom). I didn’t get to talk with my dad, but I assume that my mom probably talked to him (I wouldn’t assume the same if I talked to my dad, though). We didn’t talk about it again for the rest of my short trip home. A few days later, back in NY, my mom emails me (cc’s my dad). She said she was glad we had our talk but then mentioned that her old college roommate (who’s white) dated a black guy in college. And the gist of this story was that she dated him to be rebellious against her father and to be different. I responded and said that I don’t know her that well, but from what I know of her, she doesn’t seem like the type of person to do that. And, in any case, if she brought up her story to compare to me, I told her that I am not the way I am to rebel against her or God and that I’m certainly not doing it to be different. For goodness sake! I would prefer to be straight just b/c everything is easier! I’m already different enough being a woman of color – I don’t need another thing to add to my card. I asked her if I could send her and dad some books that I’ve been reading about being gay and Christian. I respect their authority and wisdom. I know that they’ve studied at seminary and know more about the Bible than I probably do. So I want to see what they think when they read these books that say that homosexuality is not a sin. A week or so later I get a call from her. She just wanted to just chitchat but I eventually asked her if she got my email. She got strangely sheepish again and said, “I like how our relationship is now. I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize it.” I told her that if we love and respect each other that we should be able to be open and honest with each other w/o judgment or condemnation. She agreed with me. I asked again if I could send her books and she was very receptive to the idea and almost welcomed them.

I sent her 3 books – all of which I’ll talk about in future posts. So I’m glad that the conversation has started but I’m certainly not going to rush things. I sensed that my mom was scared to lose our close relationship again. At least one question is answered: no matter what, my parents will love me – so no disowning will occur…I feel like my mom (and hopefully this means dad, too) is more open to what I’m feeling. I feel like they’ve fully released me to God and aren’t trying to control me and my every move. This is definitely a step in the right direction. I feel less scared and the tunnel looks a little less dark. Love truly does cast out all fear.

We're Sorry You're Gay

If Radclyffe Hall and Noël Coward were the same person…

Listen, sister. Your mixed nuts are giving me a lot of mixed signals, and it’s time you take a look in the mirror. Your monocle may be a cheeky nod to lesbian fashions of the 1920’s, but that long, skinny cane is nothing but a failed attempt at an imaginary phallus. In fact, your entire over-accessorized outfit does nothing but call you out as the raging dyke you truly are. Girl, you are so butch that if you had one more accessory, you could pass as Dudley Moore, who himself could pass as a lesbian any day of the week, even from beyond the grave. Did I say “grave,” meaning solemn or dignified? I wish. Instead, you’re having a spat attack and smiling like a drill team sergeant, which I’m assuming you were at some point in your life. For your own closeted sake, I hope to god those gloves are latex. Now, until you put on some relaxed khakis and a ball cap with a bent brim, I’m never talking to you at the liquor store again!

The case for gay marriage, in a nutshell.

There you go again, walking out of the county courthouse in broad daylight, your head held high, as if you hadn’t just spent the night in jail on charges of public lewdness and solicitation. Let’s face it, Mr. Peanut. If only you’d come out of the closet and live your life as an openly gay man (if not the gayest man on the planet), you might have more self-respect, and start wearing a dress like all self-respecting gay men do. You might be able to kick that nasty drinking habit, and stop hiding pints of Southern Comfort all over the house. You might not feel compelled to post the exact same ad, night after night, on craigslist: OLDER, REFINED GENTLEMAN SEEKS HONEY ROASTED BOYTOY TO SUCK ON MY NUTS. 175LB, 7′3″ WITH TOPHAT, 8.5 INCHES UNSHELLED. SALT AND DRUG-FREE HERE, U B 2. Mr. Peanut, I’m flagging your post for miscategorized sexual desire!

суббота, 26 сентября 2009 г.

Homophobes at Work

Nope, not literally work.  Just those idiots you have to work around who happen to hate you, or people like you, just because you’re not “straight”.  They’re out there, we’ve all met them and worked with them and around them.  The real question is, how, or if, you put up with it?

I’ve been pretty lucky in my law enforcement career.  I haven’t had the displeasure of running into too many of these bozos.  I have, however, run into a few.  A couple of times, they were either my supervisors or in command staff.  Hey, whatever it takes to keep work interesting…

In the major cities of Arizona, like Phoenix and Tucson, this type of behavior most likely isn’t going to be tolerated.  Both Phoenix and Tucson have domestic partner registries.  Tempe, at one time, had a gay mayor.  I’ve been told by a colleague who used to work at Tempe that there are quite a few open and out cops there (I can’t verify that, not knowing any Tempe cops myself, but that’s what I’ve been told).  But still, it’s not the overt, outright hate speech that gets me the most, it’s the common, everyday, small stuff that I hear.  I think most of the time, the person saying it doesn’t stop and think how it will be taken.  I’ve had a couple of things happen to me, and to my squad.  The one that involved my whole squad ended in an internal affairs investigation and some transfers.

A few years ago, I was in a specialty unit.  My sergeant and I didn’t see, well, eye to eye on most things, like how to run an investigation.  He also had some personal beliefs about “alternative lifestyles” that he didn’t mind sharing with the unit.  I will give the guy credit, he did try to tone it down around me (I was out at work), but he would slip.  Toward the end of the time he spent with the unit, he was “slipping” in front of me more and more.  This was happening right around the time Ellen Degeneres was doing her own public coming out.  One day, my sergeant started going off on “Ellen Degenerate” and gays in general.  He knew I was in the room, hell, his office was the size of a large broom closet.  What really got me was the look on his face when he glanced at me to see how I was taking it.  That day I just walked out of his office.

Could I have done more in that situation?  Sure.  I no longer work for that agency, but they do follow their policies for that kind of crap.  I just didn’t want to rock the boat at that time, and decidedto let it roll.  He got himself transferred for other reasons not long after that.

I had something happen just last night at briefing.  I’ve been at my new agency for a little over a year, and I’ve been out the whole time there.  On my first night of the week, we have double-squad day.  The sergeant for the other squad just loves to show YouTube videos at the end of his briefings, which of course usually have nothing to do with cop work.  So, last night, at the beginning of the video he was showing, there was a comment about the group God Hates Fags, which is a very lovely group (please feel my sarcasm here).  Apparently this comment was funny to him, so he had to rewind and play the comment again.  To tell you the truth, I kinda felt like I”d been hit in the gut with something.  That group is crazy and scary and just plain disgusting.  If you’ve never heard of them, feel free to check them out here  www.godhatesfags.com/

The question you have to answer for yourself is, how much are you willing to take?  And, how offended are you really?  I tend to handle things on my own; if someone says something that I take exception to, I’ll just tell them about it.  Most people don’t even realize they’ve said something to offend you.  But when you run into one of those people who know they’re offending you and mean to degrade you, then maybe it’s time to take it up the chain, even if it means an IA investigation.

Under the Belly of the Yum Yum Tree

I have no idea what the title to this post means it’s just something that was kicking around my head this morning while working out.  I love being able to work out early Saturday morning, its my favorite part of the day


The mist was rising off the lake this morning and it was lovely…and now I am sitting sipping my delish coffe with coconut cream.  Work has been a little odder then usual these days, the company hired this bizarro chick, we call her West Coast Nana, obviously shes from California and shes a freak (not because shes from california mind you) I seldom work with WCN which is good because the few times I’ve had to work with her she yammers on and is needy and whiny and alright shes ugly, so her mere existence just pisses me off.  Anyway theres alot of bitching about WCN in the office, people really dont like her and I couldnt quite understand the intense dislike until….West Coast Nana was caught talking crap about me to another employee  (a good friend), who told me all about it…oh nana  I dont care how old you are Im sending you home crying…

West Coast Nana got fired from her last job…we don’t know why, but now shes a bit paranoid about losing this job, shes always asking how shes doing, if she measures up…completely exposing her flank for me to attack..so after I heard WCN try to screw me over I went up to her and asked “Did you quit or something?” she lolled her monster skull to one side and said “No, why do you think that” Now, I know what Im about to do is cruel, but its so much fun to watch someones paranoia run away with them..”hmm thats weird, I just heard the bosses talking in the office and I thought they said this was your last week..” I walked away.  This happened on Tuesday, so she was shitting her pants all week..and it was beautiful.  When Friday came the Owner asked me where WCN was, he wanted her to work late, I said shes outside I’ll go get her for you…I walked up to her and said “The Owner wants to talk to you for a minute.” I could have told her what he wanted, but why not let her believe shes about to be canned…the look on her face was priceless, and that was a good way to start my weekend.

Whats even better is my girlfriend got us tickets to the Bruins game tonight…I am seriously excited, I love the Bruins.  My girlfriend has never been to a hockey game, she doesn’t like the violence of the sport…violence?  I wasn’t aware of any violence in hockey…silly woman my girlfriend…tomorrow is an early football game, its supposed to rain here in Boston, so that will be an enjoyable game to watch…what a steller weekend!!

пятница, 25 сентября 2009 г.

Thursday night, some beers, some pizza and some Glee

I always wished that I had one of those TV-moment-coming-out experiences. You know, the one where the gay boy or girl in question has been scared shitless the whole season at the thought of their parents knowing that he or she is gay and the moment the boy or girl finally musters the courage to let their parents know they are, in fact, gay, and the seemingly conservative parent ends up simply saying “I know.” And I erupt in tears and the parent and child embrace. There is always some kind of “I’m not in love with the idea but there’s nothing I can do about it and I love you the same” line from the parent and everything’s alright.

That is what happened on last night’s episode of Glee. There is an amazingly flamboyant character named Kurt who mustered the courage to finally come out to his single father. And it was fucking beautiful.

And that, my friends, is the way things should be.

My coming out experience wasnt so much like that at all. I dont think most of ours were or will be for a while. Well, I’m sure some of ours were. Mine was a big four year mess, one that tore my heart out along with my parent’s hearts. My mother was terrified and thus led to her acting out against me, doing anything in her power that would, in her eyes, show me the fault in my “decision” for years afterward. My father was in shock, didnt know what to do or say other than to pretend it didnt happen. I didnt even get to tell them myself. Instead, my mother logged into my AOL account to find all of the gay websites and chattrooms I had been frequenting. I had even been planning to meet a man 15 years my senior at a Borders a few blocks from my school. I was 14. You can only imagine the terror and maternal instinct that led to my mother’s actions.

I look forward to a day when a boy or girl comes out of the closet, as gay or lesbian or actually the opposite sex than they were born with (transgendered) and it isnt this uphill battle against societal expectations. I look forward to a day when there is a ceremony celebrating this realization, a day when there are countless programs and clubs and activities in place to ensure that this process is identity affirming and magical. I look forward to a day when children arent raised under any preconcieved notion of what “normal” love looks like. I understand that we are in the minority but… we need to be aware of all possibilities at all times.

I was very lucky to grow up in Los Angeles, a city big enough that you cant really exist for very long without meeting plenty of gays. But I just think of all the gays, sorry, most of the gays, growing up in places that arent so colorful, like, for example, middle America. Or any small village or town in Western or Eastern Europe. Or, fuck, Iran or any of the Middle East or India, where homosexuality is still mostly criminalized. Transgendered people dont even fucking rate on that scale. Those people cant even make themselves known with out the gays as social padding through which they can emerge.

Shamefully, I dont consider myself an activist. Sure, I keep up on the continuous struggle for equal rights across the globe but Im not pushing myself out there, fighting for all of the afformentioned populations. But when I think of how many people in this world hate themselves, hate they way they walk, the way they talk, the music they love, the close they burn to wear, the men and women they arent “supposed” to yearn for; I crumble, dear readers. Only a closeted gay can know the searing pain that permeates every moment of every day fighting your true nature. And too many liberated gays forget the plight of the closet. I will never forget that debilitating fear that controlled my entire existence before and after my parents learned I was gay, or the battles that ensued when word spread through out my high school.

I am supposed to be heading out now, so I have to wrap this up. Like I said, when I see this kind of thing on TV or hear the horror stories of gay bashing in the news, I erupt with emotion. Nothing seems more terribly wrong, so unevolved, so senseless.

That TV-coming-out-experience that I mentioned earlier is a very first babystep toward a better world. I know we have many more problems than some bleeding heart homos.

All I ask is this: When you find your male toddler trying on your high-heels, how about recommending another color, or even adding a boa?

четверг, 24 сентября 2009 г.

Joe Stern-McGovern & Universal Artists, International's Mission: End AIDS Now

Help Combat AIDS & HIV Through Charitable Donations

Having faced great loss with the death of his young son to AIDS, Joe Stern-McGovern, global agent and President of Universal Artists, International in partnership with Shaka Productions has taken a stand against the modern plague through vigorous and tireless dedication, by providing partial proceeds of company sales to various causes, and writing about his own personal loss.

In 2007, young Kenneth, son and eldest child of Joe Stern-McGovern fell ill with a virulent strain of HIV he contracted while participating in an exchange student program overseas. When Kenneth returned to the US, he was already advancing into the final stages of his life.

By the close of the year, Kenneth’s illness had progressed into AIDS. While working hard to cover the costs of Kenneth’s hospice care and other medical bills, Joe Stern-McGovern failed to be at his son’s side when he died at the age of 20 years old, one day shy of his 21st birthday.

Haunted by his absence in the final hours of his son’s death, Joe Stern-McGovern wrote the following poem to express his grief and disbelief.


Never to Dream   My child whose died I wait for you, come back to life I wander through this empty house All by myself The blackest night Without the moon up in the sky No light for these old photographs As I wander through the past There is no peace in the night My son is lost, my spirits down There is no love in the dark My entire world has lost its light Such tragedy I can’t escape and all is blind I cry each night My son, my child has died of AIDS With things to do He died alone While I was away It’s time now Draw the window blinds Be strong for him
I say I’m fine A future he will never know And with his death so went my soul Friend, I know That what we had in years were dreams My son, lie still I tried to change it all And while I’m fine My child lies dead And I think I’ll never dream again

With the publishing of this poem, Joe Stern-McGovern felt such an incredible sense of duty to help others who might experience similar feelings of grief, and sought to donate partial proceeds of the sales of future Universal Artists, International’s CD albums to various AIDS charities worldwide.

If you are interested in finding out how you can help Kenneth, Joe Stern-McGovern, and Universal Artists, International help combat the plague of HIV/AIDS, please visit your local or favorite charity and make a donation in the name of Kenneth and for a good cause and a disease which requires larger measures of education, research, tolerance, and funding.

You may also visit the Universal Artists, International’s sitee directly for future links to their personal choice of charity at www.universalartists.net.

Naked Brunch, “Would You Rub Some Of This Powder On My Freedom?”

I recently acquired a copy of “Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender – Men and Women in the World’s Cultures” (1071 pages!) and this morning I was reading in the first chapter: Cultural Constructions Of Gender.

The topic is ‘Bipolar Constructs’. I can see that male and female conditioning to obey the old school, “girls in the kitchen and boys out doing the ‘man’s work’ is still so imprinted in the general subconscious. The house inside is still regarded as the woman / mother’s space and vice versa the male’s domain is outdoors.

I know that things are changing, that we are in some stage of shifting that stereotype. But the actual result and how people perceive those who attempt to go outside those old boundaries varies greatly. For example, look at the acceptance of lgbt culture as you go from one state to another or one neighborhood for that matter.

The book gives some interesting examples of multipolar gendered societies pointed out from aboriginal cultures around the world. What was allowed and recognized for males in shifting gender, was not allowed for women:

“morphological women did not cease being sociological women, while morphological
men might cease being sociological men.”

They define the distinct nature of ‘passing’, not that they referred to it that way, but that’s the way we think of this:

“In general, gender, as constructed in particular cultures, consists of both signifying elements and performance elements. A person assumes the signifying elements (e.g., clothing or hair style) and exhibits the performance elements. While biological sex is something a person has, regardless of behavior, gender is seen only when it is performed or signaled.”

When I say ‘passing’, I am referring to all people and how they are seen as fitting or not into their assigned gender roles. The point here is that we are still pressured into bipolar gender norms, no matter what. For example, if someone is transsexual, they are pressured by mainstream society and often a majority of their peers in lgbt sub-culture to ‘perform the gender’ they are transitioning to. Where does that come from? The subconscious tendency of gay society to ridicule those who do not ‘pass the performance test?’ Even the people who stretch gender norms are living with old school polarized gender baggage. As another example of this seeming anomaly of subculture policing of gender – In the documentary “Boy I Am”, the lesbian community questions the rationality of transmen who they say may be just escaping the difficulty of living as a woman. So the policing and dissolution of freedom of gender expression is not restricted mainstream critics. Gender benders get it from both sides of the fence. In my view, the most important aspect of this signifying elements vs. performance elements is how societies control the performance end of things, and that that control amounts to the dissolution of fundamental human rights to freedom of expression. Robert Ganshorn points this out in a comment over at an article by Mercedes Allen at Bilerico:

I hope she will have support from her friends and family, but she has always thought of herself as an African girl and to have this made so public is devastating in an African culture. Much prestige comes from motherhood in an African rural culture and that door is now closed to her. She must feel awful and I wish it could have been handled in a manner that would have been more culturally sensitive.

The fact is that mainstream, counter culture, gay culture – you name it, everyone is busy eroding the personal freedoms of the individual.

I think that the reason Caster S. has been hounded by media so much is that it sells copy. It’s a hot subject on two counts: transgenderism and the genetic / hormonal makeup and modification of same in the performers at olympic level. I am staying away from that particular story because I just feel sorry for her, and something inside me just won’t take part in the trans sub-culture blogworld discussion. Not only that, but the bloggers tend to jump on the story the same way mass media does, mimicing the very same lemming-minds they are supposed to be differentiating themselves from. One blogger after another goes down the same path, opinionating on the freedom of someone else to express themselves.

I feel that there is just so much work to do at the basic level of gender expression in culture and society. Mt expression of my gender is a HUMAN right. Expression of the person; the person, in the republic, granted freedoms by constitution – this is my own unalienable right.

“Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is said to be one of the best known sentences in the English language. It is also something that United States citizens are entitled to under the Declaration. In my country the Bill Of Rights guarantees me freedom of expression “imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used”. So if I use my body to express myself, it is allowed and guaranteed by law. My body, my choice. These rights are being taken away by the general public, by police refusing to uphold them, by politicians refusing to pass legislation which supports them, by medical professionals refusing to recognize them. Where are our human rights?

The rights we retain are woven into the daily practice of the citizens and the officials of the republic. Where are those threads of freedom? Is the carpet worn bare? Is it even there under our feet any more?

Who will stand up at the town meeting to argue and defend our rights to freedom of expression and speech? Who will write down their observations and arguments of what is being taken away, stand in the street and hand out their papers when the government has already demonstrated that rights can be wiped away in one motion such as the USA Patriot Act?

The passage I quoted above on the ‘enforcement’ by society of unwritten gender laws, can be easily be modified to represent the reality of rights and freedoms in the Americas by substituting the word ‘freedom’ for the word ‘gender’:

“In general, freedom, as constructed in particular cultures, consists of both signifying elements and performance elements. A person assumes the signifying elements (e.g., in citizenship) and exhibits the performance elements. While rights and freedoms is something a person has in the written laws of a republic, freedom is seen only when it is performed or signaled.”

And so it is, that those who perform their freedom, are the ones who going against the general acceptance of society, that freedom is not universal. The performance of freedom of speech, and freedom of expression has been struck down by the police at the 1999 WTO demonstrations in Seattle, the 1997 APEC Summit demonstrations in Vancouver and the Summit of the Americas demonstrations 2001 in Quebec City. Expression of freedom is being taken away. Our freedom in North America is being eroded, and when society takes away my freedom to express my gender, it is condoning the dissolution of their own freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression has exploded on the internet in the last 15 years. Does that constitute freedom of speech, freedom of expression – yes, to an extend. But what is the conventional domain of the woman? The household. And where is the internet – the new bastion and proving ground of our rights and freedoms – where is it located. Indoors. People walk their freedoms throught the internet halls every evening, it helps them sleep better. But who walks their freedom of expression outdoors, in the conventional world of the male? Who polices and upholds the Charter Of Rights? Who polices and enforces the unwritten laws of expression dictated by culture and media, and what weapons do they use?

Who enforces the freedom of expression by law in the townships of South Africa, where a woman can be summarily raped and stoned to death for wearing a pair of jeans? Nobody. Who enforces the freedom of expression by law, when a woman who is seen to be a lesbian in South Africa is ‘correctively raped’ by a gang of men, while authorities look the other way? Nobody. Who in that same instance is enforcing the laws of culture? Where does freedom truly exist? It exists in the performance elements.  People are expressing their gender identity, taking the freedom that is given them by law, and they are being slain in the streets. The signifying elements of freedom: citizenship in the republic, a few cards in your pocket – what are they worth, when the true power of law is in the hands of general popular consensus, which is programmed into people’s minds, controlled by media? What will you do when they come for you and your children?

среда, 23 сентября 2009 г.

Why They Suffer

Illogical Deprivation of

LGBT Rights

…the world is yet to offer


the liberty it deserves.

Faggot, queer, dyke, homo, twinkie, a businessman hears this from a co-worker or a boy from his father or a student from his classmates or even a person from strangers in the streets for at least once every day. The purpose of these names is to remind them of what they are, or at least, what others have branded them; an abomination, a humiliation, a disappointment for the reason that they chose to be different.

Unacceptability is the kind of emotional impact that retains homosexuals from freely exercising their civil and human rights. Oftentimes, unacceptability reflects from family relations to social status when an individual decides to “come out”, therefore, leads the vast majority of young homosexuals to run away from home or worse, commit suicide.

On top of that, there’s also Alienation. It is one aspect that elaborates the fact that gay men would find little success in obtaining a normal, carefree lifestyle in a large community, when they choose to publicize their sexuality; hence, they are force to settle in small-populated districts where homosexuality is tolerated.

Another is Condemnation, an expression frequently utilized by religious organizations and churches who perceive homosexuality as a crime to God’s will owing to the belief that a person can only limit his/her freedom of attachment towards the opposite sex by reason that same sex relationship opposes child-bearing. And finally, what most homosexuals experience from the whole, degradation.

Degradation manifests in several forms; mistreatment through physical, verbal, emotional and spiritual assault from others; lack of support and protection from authority; rejection from obtaining or maintaining work; denial from a normal lifestyle etc. In conclusion, even as Gay Rights are regarded in parts of the globe, the world is yet to offer homosexuality the liberty it deserves.

вторник, 22 сентября 2009 г.

What kind of girls do you like?

Bored at home on twitter I thought I would ask all the Femme Fans what kind of girls they like. The answers varied!Enjoy!

@Mr_OhMarP -  I like fems… Beautiful fems are my #weakness

@AyePrecious – I love women in general. fem or dom. jst the fact that its a woman =)

@Plutocookiekiss – Femmes, Smart,Funny,Sence of Progression,Artsy,Charismatic,Adventerous,A Sence of self

@aTrueurbanL – I like a fem, who looks good, smells good,smart, independentcan take my attutide, has the best head game, n give me sex 5X a day

@TJaven – I like aggressive fems, boss lady at work and at home, long hair. pretty simple

@SOO_IDIOT_FRESH – i LOVE femmes..dresses;high heels;tight jeans;hair short or long(dont care as long as its done)i guess u get the picture!!

@dollmatic – not very discriminative. i love all kinda women, but i tend to be in lust w/ pretty, chunky femmes or tall, somewhat lean studs.

понедельник, 21 сентября 2009 г.

We suffer and bleed just to make a heart beat

Mutemath’s new cd. Download it por favor.

I’m noticing the more and more I drive, the more and more my mind likes to wander aimlessly through the cluttered topics just waiting to be resolved. This morning I thought about everything that happened this weekend.

Friday, I went to San Antonio. I met up with Mrs. Potter and Caitlin for lunch. Afterwards, I joined in the grocery shopping adventure to then bounce to La Cantera. Cait and I must have talked there for a good six hours. We just talked about everything (and I do mean everything). I told her everything that was going on with Stephanie, my thoughts about Cassidy, my dating habits (&how I’d like to change), and just anything that popped into my head. It was good. We laughed more than anything. We were just so relaxed that any anger we had simply dissolved with time.

Saturday–oh my WORD. I was woken up (delightedly) by Cassidy saying, “GOOOOOOOD MORNING!! Wake up!! it’s 7:30 and we’re camping today!!!” Haha, she was just so excited it was plain adorable. After her phone call I actually did wake up and began getting everything ready. I loaded the truck, took a shower, got ice, and then about noon went to go pick her up. We ended up getting there around 1ish scoring an awesome cabin RIGHT ON THE LAKE. Spectactular!! I stuck with Logan, Cassidy’s 2.5 year old daughter, most of the day. Everytime I looked around to see where Cass was she was always just sitting there, smiling. She had happy written all over her face. Logan finnished up swimming and I guess she decided to go again haha. Although the second time around, Nick had actually showed up (so he joined) and Cass came in the water too. Nick threatened to heave me into the lake, but by that time I’d changed so I didn’t really care (thereby ruining his fun =D). Time floated along side the memories we began making as we swam, we talked, we ate, and as we spent together. Near the end of the night, Cass opened all her presents as she just glowed. She was so overjoyed by the thought Nick, Suzzette, and I all took into her present and how much we really care about her. Cass crashed pretty early along with Logan so my feeble attempts to hold down my liquid courage were just that.

When the gang woke up, it was a whirlwind of events. We all laughed at the fact the air mattress in Suzzette and Nick’s tent deflated during the night. Nick’s hair looked quite beautiful due to his lack of beauty sleep (haha). From then things were just a blur. I played with Logan as Sue and Cass made breakfast (as they quietly made fun of me because I always wiggled out of doing any work this weekend, hahahaha), and then once it was ready we feasted! It was probably the best breakfast taco EVER. We packed up everything soon after that and began our journey back home.

In the car ride back, Cassidy kept saying how much fun she had, that she was lucky to have people like us in her life, that it was the birthday ever. We listened to what we’ve dubbed her song (Hell on the Heart – Erich Church), and then she sprang the news. She has an old flame in Virginia she saw while undergoing operation snatch and grab (she went and got her sister from her dad in Penn). She wants to go get him and bring him back. Here’s the catch…she wants ME to go on that 17+ hour car trip. Right? Weird. But I mean, that says something about our growing friendship. She thinks enough of me to go on a 17+ hour road trip to pick up her old beu. I talked to Suzzette about the entire thing, and she said this, “You at least have that much of a relationship with her. I’m sure she knows that you like her. I’m sure if she wised up with all the guys she dates, she’d probably give you a shot. She knows how sweet you are and why you are that sweet. Just keep doing what you’re doing. You may just have a shot farther down the line.” It was encouraging to hear something like that. That means Cassidy’s talked to Suzzette at some point in time about me. It’s all adding up. Now it’s just a wait and see game. I won’t wait forever. It’s just something to pass the time.

I’m going to try to hit on the starbucks manager this week.

Oh, and one more thing…Stephanie texted me late late last night. She apologized for her excessive bitchyness and will be mailing my blanket today! Hooray! I can finally close that chapter for good.

(in the wake of all this, I’ve found a new band that I undoubtedly enjoy LoveDrug, do it)


i am drunk right now…

went to a friend’s kid’s bday party todday…  there was antoher mom there that I couldn’t help but keep chekin out.  At one point she bent over right in front of me, it was like, humina humina.  I tried to look away most of the time as to not get caught looking, but holy cow she has a niiiiiiice ass along with everything else!!!  Funny thing is I saw my huby checking her out too.  lol

Anyway, so tonight we had some interesting sex, will spare u the details

Gunna go to bed now, nite!

воскресенье, 20 сентября 2009 г.

Pam and Ann Part 1

Pam and Ann live in Los Angeles and have been together for 23 years. They met on a film set in New York city in the 80s and haven’t looked back! They came to discover their sexualities in very different ways and also had very different experiences coming out to their families. Through it all they have stuck together and have built a beautiful relationship and family; they have two amazing kids, Lily and Mason. Pam and Ann founded Harry Dog Productions, a film production company and have been working in the film industry as producers for over 2 decades. Their love is inspirational, and their stories are honest and moving. Watch Part 1 and stay tuned for Part 2!

Footy fights and females farts

The local football season comes to a close today, which is worrying and pleasing all in one. Worrying due to the likely behavioural problems and pleasing because we won’t have to put up it after today. With that in mind, the dress code was in force tonight – that was, any sign of club or sport colours were not permitted. Of course I had my fair share of mostly guys wearing team colours, which I requested they remove before entering. All complied. Then Miss “It’s My Right” decided to have a stand up argument about the policy. I resolved this by telling her that this is the policy, if she wants to enter she has to remove it. There was no reason she could not, because she had a full top on underneath.

A guy who has repeatedly turned up for the last few weeks at lockout time, finally turned up in time to get in. This was a short live treat, as he came out for a smoke and got into a fight, so I would not let him back in. Much arguing and discussion ensued. The result, he will be bared for a long time.

Ladies don’t fart. This woman was clearly not a lady. She came to the door with some regular lesbians appearing to be with them. As I asked for her ID, she let one rip which was quite disgusting and rank. The lesbians wanted to be sure to let me know, they were NOT with her. Not wanting to consume this I walked away from the door and let her in. I contacted through my radio the other bouncer and told her to deal with it. She later left and tried to return, I refused her entry on the grounds she was drunk, but, wow she stunk.

суббота, 19 сентября 2009 г.

Lying About Sex

This is not one of those Victor/Victoria stories but rather a Victor and Victoria.  Ain’t it a shame when you find out your favorite athlete has a penis…whoops I mean internal testes.

Lying about Sex

With enough jewelry and make up, anyone can look like a girl?

Taking Crazy Pills

How to Plan an Exotic Vacation

No God But Government

Black Employment

Gay is not the New Black

How to Travel Naked

Beer Alert

A Constellation of Idiots

It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted

Texas Toast

Caster Semenya



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Runes and Moons


Angelic Verses


Rumors of Angels




Digital Art

Angel Sightings

Cyber Rainbows

Selling Rainbows

  • ************************************************************



пятница, 18 сентября 2009 г.

Ellen .VS. Simon already??


American Idol update! Ellen has reported that her mission on A.I. is to make the show more positive and contestant friendly. She claims that Simons rude attitude is something she is not a fan of and she has stated that she will bump heads with him on the show if needed. While The Femme thinks Ellen will make a great addition to the show, A.I. fans everywhere are not so much in agreement and feel like she has no business on the show and no right to talk about Simon. I guess only time will tell how this plays out! I wonder what Simon has to say about all this?

четверг, 17 сентября 2009 г.

Daily Batman: Enter Dr. Pamela Isley

Girl, do not even attempt to lay your folklore on my Jim Gordon. You keep your green thumbs off the Commish.

Not to mention this is extra-bad faith, because Poison Ivy is actually quite gay, you know.

edit: wow, that got hate mail in a hurry. I stand by my safe assumption, so all I can say is enjoy being close-minded fucktards incapable of accurately interpreting sequential art, you anal retentive canonical jizz-monkeys. –Mgmt.

Photoshop serial number naked free download anal.

Después de darle muchas vueltas al tema de las etiquetas en los posts he decidido hacer un experimento 100% medible para saber qué tanto tráfico pueden generar éstas en un sitio.

Para empezar voy a taggear este texto con todas las etiquetas que a mi parecer son de las más buscadas en la web. Si, Megan Fox naked, la muerte de Mickael Jackson y 2 girls one cup están en la lista. Pero esto puede llegar a ser un trabajo interminable, así que los invito a que en los comments pongan todas las etiquetas que se les ocurran. Todo lo que sea comentado setá etiquetado indiscriminadamente (voy a tratar de no juzgar a nadie por sus comentarios, ja). A lo largo de toda esta semana iré revisando las estadísiticas de cómo es que la gente llega a este sitio y así veremos si realmente tiene o no que ver con las etiquetas en vez del contenido.

Para que este experimento no termine sólo en una estadística, con todas las categorías obtenidas y los resultados arrojados, haré un ejercicio de diseño tipográfico con el análisis de los datos. Algo así como una nube de categorías como la que pueden ver en el sidebar del blog pero con un poquito más de dirección de arte. Esto será posteado la próxima semana junto con los resultados estadísticos.

Bienvenidos los comentarios pa que este experimento cobre vida y a darle!

среда, 16 сентября 2009 г.

Transgender Spokeswoman: Crossdressers are Authentic Women

Jasper Gregory continues her preaching on the Theory of Transgenderism. I can’t decide if she is a sort of professor of Transgenderology, or if she is their long-awaited messiah that will raise them up to glory. Here’s some the wisdom from her most recent post.

I am an Authentic Woman (by Jasper Gregory)

This video helped me clarify my views.

I realized:

the right-wing transfeminism of Women Born Transsexual (WBT) is affirming the authenticity of WBT womanness, while denying the authenticity of Transgender Transsexual womannes and Tranny (Transvestite) womanness. The symbolic marker for authenticity is Sex-Reassignment Surgery.

Jasper on on Julia Serano and the Binary-Centric movement she started:

Binary-Centric Transsexual Women Activists working within under the sign of “Transgender”. Julia Serano’s transfeminist manifesto “The Whipping Girl” provides the intellectual underpinnings for this movement. Questioning Transphobia has a lot of commenters in this camp, and this worldview has become the “Politically Correct” view on many feminist websites like Feministe.

And she finishes with what I think to be her central thesis and the foundation of her future work.

My brand of Progressive Gender Activism legitimizes “Authentic” Woman and the related term “Transwoman” for anyone who feels an innate womanness. This recognition of authenticity is open to Trannies, Genderqueers, Queens, Femmeboys, Twinkies and Sissyboys. Any model which marks us as inauthentic but grants authenticity to other Transwomen, is inherantly bigotted and reactionary.

And he closes with a powerful declaration:

So, this is my message to every Transwoman who I have offended

If you recognize my authenticity I will recognize yours!

If you deny my authenticity I will deny yours!

Ms. Jasper’s work draws on the body of knowledge created by 15 years of transgender activism and internet theorizing. She joins her sister transgender activists in that constellation of stars, taking her place next to such luminaries as Monica Helms, Autumn Sandeen, Monica Roberts, and many others who tell us that all you have to do to be a woman… is to take it from them.

Jasper’s Wardrobe: I am an Authentic Woman

Jasper’s gender coaching site:


вторник, 15 сентября 2009 г.

The Girl on the Left.

Etiquette: Useful. Nice is only a side benefit.

Oldest daughter, exasperated, from backseat, to me: “Mom? MUST you narrate EVERYTHING you see? As if it’s your business in the first place?”

Me, non-plussed by this surly teenaged dismissal: “Why, yes. Yes, I do.”

Oldest: “You’re the only one who can even SEE them.”

Youngest, cheerfully, having had the foresight to pipe up earlier: “I call shotgun,” and therefore sitting in the catbird seat, immediately to my right, now pipes up: “I can see FINE.”

No words are necessary. The heat alone from the backseat is enough.

Words come, anyway.

Oldest: “Why do you even CARE about them, anyway?”

Me: “Because it SUCKS to be the girl on the left.”

Youngest: “I don’t know what you’re talking about at all.”

Oldest (still furious, about my car-to-car meddling, and the whole shotgun thing in general, since she knows quite well she’d completely understand what I was talking about if SHE COULD JUST SEE FOR HER OWN DAMN SELF): “ohKAY, why does it suck to be the girl on the left?

I grin, happy at last: my chance to give a short lecture on the nature of awkward situations. (It has to be short, the girls know, because we are headed for the bank, which is coming up just a few turns away.)

The car in front of me has three people in the back seat: on the left, there is one brunette ponytail. In the middle, there is a blonde ponytail, who is being bear-hugged, and generally molested by, a burly boy – probably a footballer – on the far right.

This jock is so into his blonde ponytail that he keeps nuzzling his squeeze – and is ending up squeezing the girl on the left ever-over, ever-closer to the left-side passenger door. She doesn’t turn her head, not once, not ever. She is graciously bearing this indignity; why, I do not know.

I myself would have given them a good shove back, and suggested they find a room or something. Well, maybe not “find a room,” since that’s pretty cliché.

Perhaps instead I would “accidentally” drop my purse, lunging forward towards that endlessly annoying hump in the middle, knocking them BOTH toward the RIGHT side passenger door. When they both responded: “HEY!” – as if “how dare you interrupt our foreplay?” I’d smile apologetically, while at the same time planting my ass just a little further to the right, with my big fat backpack/purse/knapsack, or what have you tucked to my left, in between the passenger’s side door and myself.

Cozy but effective strategy for flipping the awkwardness back over onto THEM. My, aren’t we ALL awfully close now? Still want to kiss her, quarterback, now that I’m practically on her lap?

If THAT didn’t send the intended message across, I’d wait till the next big smooch, break out my math homework, and tap the blonde ponytail on the shoulder right in the middle of tonguing it.

“Hey, Brittany, did you understand what Mrs. Meyer was talking about when she ran through that binomial theorem today, because I’m TOTALLY lost? Mind taking a look at my notes for a sec, and seeing if they make ANY sense to you, because I’m about to have an EPIC FAIL here.”

Then hold aforementioned binder right up to yon spit-covered face, with innocent smile.

Basically, you get the strategy: incredibly annoying politeness until the people you’re being annoyingly polite to either catch on that they’re being ludicrously rude, and stop, or just stop out of sheer annoyance. Either way, what can they say to you? You’re being incredibly polite.

The beauty of politeness. Don’t let anyone tell you that politeness, etiquette, good manners, is to make other people feel BETTER. That’s just a side benefit.

Etiquette is for one main thing only: So you ALWAYS know what to do in any given situation, without being embarrassed. That’s it. It’s almost as practical as money. Which is why most people who’ve had money for a long time have good manners.

It’s not really snobbery. It’s sensible.

Best of all? YOU can do it, too. Just keep reading this blog, and I’ll learn ya.

My daughter, of course, at 13, could not rest at letting me be right.

“What if she didn’t mind?”

Me: “You think the girl on the left ENJOYED being squeezed over while the two of them sucked face?”

Oldest, grasping for straws: “Maybe she’s a lesbian.”

Me: “In that case, she’d have to be a pretty CHARITABLE lesbian; don’t you think otherwise she’d be jealous?”

Oldest: “Maybe she IS a charitable lesbian.”

It DOES take all kinds to make a world. My oldest COULD be right. The one thing I DO know? At 13, the one thing Mom isn’t, is right. About anything.

For everyone else? Take my word for it. If you ever find yourself The Girl on the Left? Try etiquette.

Ah, etiquette: the most effective way to be obnoxious and get away with it.

понедельник, 14 сентября 2009 г.


I am a little bummed today which completely diff than I felt this weekend.  I went to sleep a little giddy last night because I was excited about what would come from contacting this group I found and for doing so well in my “active fighting” and because of a new blog I have been reading that I am enjoying and can’t wait to get some time to get back to reading.

This morning in checking my email the person I contacted had gotten back with me but instead if saying here are the dates and times of stuff, he said he wants me to call and make an appt to have a meeting to get to know me and what exactly I am going through and such so they can see what I need and want from them.  I was like, man.  I was hoping for it to be something easy I could just pop into and check out, but no, it has to be something hard and that jump right in there right away.  You see I hate calling people I don’t know and talking on the phone and asking for things and all that sort of stuff.  So this is totally out of my comfort zone.  Now I have done therapy before, so I have no problem with that face to face deepness, but I hate cold calling and talking over the phone like that.  Plus the guy is out of town this whole week, so it will be another week till I can do anything anyway.  So again, a let down.

Now I am bummed about that and even to the point where I am like, I don’t need to go to that anyway.  Who cares if I am attracted to girls, big deal.  It gives me some happiness and I like that.  I don’t need to talk about it or deal with it.  It doesn’t matter.  I can just keep that my little secret and continue my life as I have been doing…  lol.   So I am not so gung ho on getting the “help” that I supposedly need due to this issue.

Connect The Dots- Spill Canvas

Her body is on top of mine, once again

But this time, it isn’t some late night fantasy

We latch on- mirroring the life saving device our very first night.

Our breaths sing a sweet lullaby as we hold each other tight

Our lips are soon inches apart, torture at its finest.

My hands are wandering; they’re out of my control

My finger tips caress her skin and a rush overcomes every part of my body.

Our lips meet and our tongues soon touch.

A sweet taste I thought was gone forever

As I lay her head on the pillow and begin to kiss her naked body

I realize it must stop here

Any further and hearts will get attached

воскресенье, 13 сентября 2009 г.

HAHA Your Stoopit

It’s Sunday morning and my neighbor is putting a new roof on his house, eventually a new roof will go on right now they are loudly scaping off the old one..it rained liked crazy yesterday and it was seriously enjoyable..I have a raincoat so I will stand out in the rain for hours just being there…this morning its foggy and it may just rain again today, a good day to be alive.

Two things happened to me of note this past week and I mention them because in my 612 years of being on this earth they have NEVER happened to me thus making me appreciate the fact that new and unimaginable things will continue to happen to me forever..fabulous..first thing happened on the way to work, as I was slowing down for a light, a hooker tried to get in my car, yes some skank ass hooker who was standing on the corner in her daisy dukes flashing her nasty ass came banging on my passenger side window pulling on the door handle yelling something at me in a new ghettoese dialect…THANK GAWD I am anal enough, as a new yorker, to always have my doors locked..anyway as she was yelling and banging on my window I yelled a pleasant good morning to her and said “Get the f%ck off my car you nasty bitch.” and I pulled away, and trust me its hard to pull away when the office is right on the same corner….hahaha luckily in the moment that I turned the corner her drug addled brain probably forgot what just happened…the second thing that happened occurred on Friday night, I met my girlfriend out for a drink and some food, when I went up to the bar to pay the tab some woman came up behind put both hands on my ass and squeezed, seriously…I was completely grossed out, who was this person that thought she had the right to not only enter my personal space but to cop a feel…I sat back down and told my girlfriend Im all done with this place, never again…what a stupid repellent ugly mofo of a crotch pimple this chick is, obviously its the only way her ugly ass would get any action, but anyway thats what started my weekend, being touched inappropriately by an ugly person…and no I would not have acted differently if it was a delicious person.

I met my girlfriend in Boston yesterday after we both got out of work, to do some shopping at Haymarket Square and then for a nosh or two at our favorite bleach scented bar Sissy K’s..town was very quiet due to the weather, we bummed around Fanueil Hall for awhile, my girlfriend needs to have a plan of action, she needs to have a plan and then to execute that plan , I however am more of a who cares and lets just bum around kind of person.  So the plan turned out to be to do the shopping then do an appetizer then go home (g/f does not appreciate rainy weather the way I do…actually I’ve never met anyone who like rain as much as I do) so off we went to the market when lo and behold there were jesus children in Fanueil Hall singing jesus songs


I dont know who these jesus people are but they also handed out free cds to people walking around…I did not take one I dont take gifts from strangers especially when they are wearing doilies on there heads…but I did see random signs from god about what I should be doing, like this one, I saw it as I was crossing the street..it was OBVIOUSLY meant to be followed

signs from god are everywhere

you just have to be vigilant in spotting them.  Anyway it was a quick jaunt into town, but I love Boston and miss no opportunity to bum around there…on the way going home I spotted a crazy person ranting at Park Street station, I went to take his picture and he put his hand infront of his face and said “That will be five dollars miss” I told him I would contact his agent, arent crazy people fun?

I need to go eat something and get ready for my workout, enjoy Sunday oh and Serena Williams HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I like you but sistah you are one sorry ass loser, show some decorum will you


[Via http://bolognaball.wordpress.com]


So, we have spoken…  And not texted, but we actually had a 45-minute convo on the phone, and with the exception of the end, it was really nice, and made me think that I probably should have called her some while we were f-buddies, but that was likely not meant to be.

The unsettling part of it to me was not that she and the other girl are now exclusive, because as I told her that was the natural order of things because she has known her nearly two years, and been sleeping with her for seven months, but it was rather her response.  She said, “Well, I won’t have to do this very long anyway because I want to start that new job (out-of-state) by November 1st.”  Ouch–made me glad that I wasn’t the one who is “exclusive” with her.

What is probably worse is when she was explaining their conversation, she let it be known that she buckled because she is too busy with work.  I told her, “Well, you can’t really juggle two women.”  And she said, “Oh, I could if I wasn’t working so much, and you give me some things that she doesn’t.”  God, it was so easy to fill in what wasn’t even subtext, so I told her, “_____, if you are referring to sex, we barely scratched the surface, because I’m used to doing lots more than that, but we only slept together for two months.”  I cannot believe that she told me that I give her bigger o’s!  Even if that is true, that is SO shitty to say when you are with someone else.

Get this too:  she still wanted to hang out!  I told her that we had no foundation, and that I have so many friends who I can’t see as often as I’d like.  I also told her that I have never cheated, or been cheated on, and I wasn’t going to start now.  She reiterated that she has not cheated either and we could just hang, and so I said, “I don’t think that we could keep our hands off of each other, and that would not be fair to ___.”  Wow.

[Via http://74tomboy.wordpress.com]

пятница, 11 сентября 2009 г.

Duke It Out: Coed Roommates

[It's pretty obvious that the average CollegeCandy reader has some very strong opinions. Opinions that she likes to share with everyone on the site. We love a strong woman, so we thought we'd give her a real forum to discuss her thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. Every Friday I'll be featuring a hot topic (like a textbook throwdown!) and leaving it up to you, the readers, to duke it out. So, read it and get your debate on in the comments section below!]

Two weeks into the semester and most of my friends are already sick enough of their new roommates to have practically moved in with their boyfriends. All this shuffle got me to wondering – wouldn’t it be easier if they could all just live with the boys the way they almost are now?

Turns out that I’m not the only one thinking along these lines. In fact, murmurs have been floating around for the last couple of years about some schools that are not only making their dorms coed, but their dorm rooms.

That’s right, mixed gender roomies.

On the one hand, it sounds like a great idea. As much as I love my lady friends, there can be a lot of drama with two girls sharing one little space (I know friendships that have ended over clothes-borrowing debacles) and guys – in general – tend to be a bit mellower, which could be a bonus. Also, most couples I know spend most of their time at one person’s room as it is, so it just makes more sense to let them officially keep their stuff in the same place. Aside from that, most schools have already integrated to coed dorms and many even have unisex bathrooms and showers, so it seems pretty ridiculous to keep up the whole single-gender roommates idea in the face of all the rest. It’s kind of an antiquated notion, really, and some might argue gender discrimination.

In fact, at that point we reach one of the most pivotal upsides to the mixed gender roommate situation, which is that it finally addresses the LGBT issue. Traditional single-gender room assignments presuppose straightness, which just isn’t always the case. If the argument is that guys and girls shouldn’t room together because they might end up having sex, doesn’t that mean that gay guys and girls shouldn’t room with people of their own gender by the same virtue? It’s gone un-discussed in the classic college dorm model, but the truth is that there needs to be options out there for everyone and the best way to do that is to open up the field.

However, there could definitely be some problems with having mixed-gender roommates, the first and most obvious of which is that it’s a hassle. Even disregarding the inevitably huge public backlash, rooming with someone of the opposite gender opens up some problems that could end up in a lot of sudden, desperate requests for room changes. Not the least of these is the fact that living with someone is kind of a make it or break it scenario for couples – either you love it or they make you nuts and you end up breaking up. And breakups mean that someone is going to have to move, or you will have to live through each others’ attempts to move on and date other people. Oy.

Even if you aren’t dating the guy you live with, sharing all that time and space (not to mention the need to change clothes) really ups the chances of some chemistry igniting – and maybe fizzling. And if you don’t end up attracted to the guy, or vice versa, there is always the fact that some guys are messier/have different living habits and I have enough of my own shiz to clean, thankyouverymuch. Finally, though you love your guy pals, sometimes you just need a night with the girls, and girl time just doesn’t happen as easy with a guy around – straight or not.

So, am I giving everybody a fair shake here? Do you wish your school would let you do the coed roommate thing? Will they? Or do you prefer having a little girls only space? Let us know in the comments!

[Via http://collegecandy.com]

Big Boob Device Bondage


Big Boob Device Bondage

Diana Doll is gardening in her beautiful backyard when we grabbed that hoe and mouth gagged her, tied that MILF to a post and fucked her delicious rose pussy! She squirmed and moaned and still wanted to get drilled more! Having a shaft dig deep in her throat and even deeper in her pussy, Diana kept restrained and flipped over exposing her amazing house wife ass! We garden spoked and tied her to the ground and busted a huge fucking nut all over her whore face…. Join here!


[Via http://pic1or2.wordpress.com]

среда, 9 сентября 2009 г.


‘Kill Gays’ Artist To Perform In 14 U.S. Cities


Controversial Jamaican reggae artist Buju Banton’s U.S. tour includes 14 cities.

Last week, concert promoters LiveNation and AEG Live announced that they had canceled all of the scheduled concerts by Banton at company-owned House of Blues locations amid a furry of protest by gay rights groups.

Banton is known for his violent anti-gay lyrics. His 1992 hit Boom Bye Bye proposes pouring acid on gay men and shooting them in the head with a submachine gun.

Four House of Blues venues have been dropped from the tour. Appearances in San Francisco, at the Regency Ballroom, and Los Angeles, at Club Nokia, have also been scrapped.

The six canceled venues, however, represent only a fraction of the cities Banton will tour this fall.

Banton will first appear at the Trocadero in Philadelphia next Saturday. The show’s promotion was taken over by Jamaican Dave Productions after AEG Live dropped its support, gay weekly Philadelphia reported.Gay News

“We canceled the show, but the venue and the co-promoter came to an agreement to go ahead with it,” Michael Roth, spokesman for AEG Live, told the paper.

Banton is scheduled to appear at three reggae festivals this fall, including the Annual Reggae Fest at the Crossroads Nightclub in Bladensburg, Maryland on Sunday, September 13, the New Jersey Music Festival at the Riverfront Stadium in Newark, New Jersey on Sunday, September 20, and the Jam Rock Music Festival at the Westchester County Center in White Plains, New York on Sunday, September 27.

In his native Jamaica, where being gay is punishable by 10 years in prison, anti-gay violence is rife and typically tolerated by the authorities. In 2004, Banton was tried and acquitted on charges that he participated in the beating of six gay men.

Venues that will host Banton include the Lido Night Club in Revere, Massachusetts on Friday, September 18; the Water Street Music Hall in Rochester, New York on Saturday, September 19; The Nora in Norfolk, Virginia on Friday, September 25; The National in Richmond, Virginia on Saturday, September 26; the Majestic Theater in Detroit, Michigan on Wednesday, September 30; Annies in Cincinnati, Ohio on Friday, October 2; Lifestyles Communities Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, October 3; and First Avenue in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Sunday, October 4.

Banton is also still scheduled to appear at two large venues in the South.

In Atlanta, he will appear at the Center Stage Theater on Saturday, October 24. And a Sunday, November 1 concert at Hard Rock Live in Orlando, Florida will cap the tour.

Banton appearances in Chicago and San Francisco have drawn the loudest protests, lead by Chicago’s Gay Liberation Network. The group was behind the effort to close the House of Blues concerts.

[Via http://goaffirmations.wordpress.com]

вторник, 8 сентября 2009 г.

T.I.T. Podcast Episode 43: Da New Hood...

  • I’m back…FINALLY an episode 43
  • No longer Tom in Bangkok
  • Where to start?
  • Coming back from Oz…
  • Babies on planes
  • Passing out at the airport
  • Can you hear yourself snore?
  • Arriving back in Bangkok
  • Tom’s life turns upside down
  • How routine is your life?
  • Getting the car….
  • Why I decided to rent…
  • Sort of got to pick my car off the lot
  • Busses in Thailand
  • 3 windows for the same town
  • Tom’s first visit to the school & new home
  • First impressions
  • GET me out of here!!!
  • Set out to drive back to Bangkok for 1st time
  • Wasn’t bad till I hit the city
  • Bumper to bumper
  • Road courtesy in Thailand=every man for himself
  • Packing like I’m going away to college
  • Lots of tears for Tom
  • New neighbors/new friends
  • Might have to make this 2 parts
  • Thanks for all the loving comments and emails
  • Tom podcasts because of you….
  • Closing remarks and love!

Email me at tominthai@gmail.com, please go Comment on my page or call my voice line at 1-206-426-2152 and leave me a voice comment for the show!

Download Tom in Thailand: Click Here | The Freak Network | The RainbowPodSquad

Subscribe to Tom in Thailand in Itunes: Click here

[Via http://tomofthailand.wordpress.com]

Shine A Light Contest!

I am always looking for ways to expand Blac Gurlz Ink, so I belong to a few business social networks to gather knowledge and information about what’s going on in the business world. And like any emerging business — continued funding is key to growth. So when the CEO of the M3 Race, Nell Merlino posted about an opportunity for a business to win $100K, I answered the call.

Blac Gurlz Ink needs 50 “spotlight” nominations by September 13, 2009 in order to make the 2nd phase of the contest and I know we can do it with your help! We have tons of “views” and I wish those counted, but for $100K they are making sure the “bots” keep their paws off and ask that if you vote for a business you “register” first.

To endorse us, please go directly to “Register” on the Home page of Shine A Light and then once you’ve registered, click on the “banner” on the right that says “Nominate a Business”. Our contact information is public but I will place it here as well to assist you.

Blac Gurlz Ink, PO Box 16182, Oakland, CA 94610. Email: blacgurlzinc@gmail.com. Telephone#: 510/943-8578.

I would like to personally thank you for continuing to support Blac Gurlz Ink as we learn to walk in the business tides and dont forget we have a fundraiser going on where we are giving YOU a “GIFT” for your support in sending us to Europe…another amazing contest that we were honored to win!

Shine A Light!

[Via http://blacgurlzink.wordpress.com]

понедельник, 7 сентября 2009 г.

Lindsay Lohan: Snob OR Slob ??

Ayi ya yai, Lindsay!! If I were a designer, Lindsay Lohan would be the one celebrity who I would NOT loan or borrow any of the clothing designed. I wouldn’t even want her to be seen in my clothes! Why? I would probably not ever get them back and she would mis-represent the clothes that I work hard to make.  Yah! I know she’s a celeb and she’s seen everywhere and changes 3-4 times a day into a different outfit. In other words, publicity for the clothing I design. I don’t care! I’m a bit stubborn you see and take pride in my work.

Enough of the rant. Lindsay was spotted who knows going to another club with her underage sister, Ali after they visited the botox dr. and got lip injections. lol

sooo Snob OR Slob???

[Via http://lifeaccordingtoflwrgurl.wordpress.com]

Labor Day

lets throw a slab of skinned alive cow on the coals….followed by a boiled alive pig…fabulous..I dont know how anyone can say they are for animal rights and still eat meat..but what exactly ARE pork chops…hmm lets find out shall we


A pork chop is a cut of meat cut perpendicularly to the spine of the pig usually containing a rib of part of a vertebra

spine and rib cage attached to a hunk of decomposing flesh,  how can ingesting something like that do anything but wreck havoc  on the body…and it does


My girlfriend got a little snappy with me on friday when we were discussing dinner, she has not given up meat and claims she will not stop enjoying dinner just because of some book.  Shes currently reading, “The Food Revolution” by John Robbins which is the book I read right before I stopped eating dead things.  For me it wasn’t just the book that caused me to go vegetarian, it was a culmination of alot of different things and something that I had considered for a long time…I guess for me this is the right time.  So I urge you to read up on how meat effects the body, how the dairy and meat industry lie, spending BILLIONS of dollars on advertising campaigns to keep you eating something your body was NOT designed to consume..and that is the end of todays STOP EATING MEAT campaign…hmm should I rename my blog  TofuBall?

On to other things KETTLEBELL workout yesterday…I had a fantastic workout, did the cardio workout before class and then stepped up the weight in KB class…something of note happened in class though, while we were doing an exercise called The Snatch (which gets laughs EVERYTIME the instructor yells it out) well check out the snatch first

Its a pretty intense exercise and takes alot of concentration (on my part at least) so theres an entire room of people all working on this move, lots of grunting and huffing and puffing to be heard then…someone farted…it was a quick gunfire of a fart but everyone heard it, and started laughing hysterically…the instructor who did not stop his exercise said “Im not saying anything” and someone at the back of the class said “I hope it helped” I, ofcourse laughed throughout the rest of the workout…farting is funny to me..I do not claim to have an adult sense of humor..Aside from the gas explosion incident, the class was good, more new people and like I mentioned moving up in KB weight.  One thing I noticed with KB is that my muscles are more defined, my shoulders, biceps and triceps are definitely bigger, but my legs, hammies, quads and even calf muscles are more defined..KB I love you

So today is a holiday, the weather here is lovely, Fall is my favorite time of year September through mid December are the best time of the year..Im going to sit outside and catch up on some reading….and beer there will be beer later…btw fall means its time to switch beers…SAM ADAMS OCTOBERFEST..delicious

[Via http://bolognaball.wordpress.com]

воскресенье, 6 сентября 2009 г.

I love you

I love you.

These words I long to say to you yet you are too precious for me to risk it.

We’ve been friends.. we’ve been friends for a long time and I love you every minute we’re together and I long for you whenever we’re apart. I have never told you how I feel but my actions will speak for me.

Words are too final… too raw… and I’m too scared. Countless times I was tempted, to take the risk and tell you … but then again, you are too precious to be risked. My feelings are too fragile and I may not endure.

I always end up just feeling grateful that you are a friend, though I would want to have something more but, this is better than losing you altogether.

It could have been easier if society doesn’t frown on certain relationships. My feelings for you fall wayward from the “normal” stream of things. A girl in love with a girl is not “normal” in the eyes of the majority.

I didn’t choose… It just happened… I just fell… and still am falling in love with you.

My thoughts and actions will always be expressing my love for you until I’m brave enough to say I LOVE YOU.

[Via http://loveshugsnkisses.wordpress.com]

Out From Under- Britney Spears

Can we fall apart now?

I hope we fall…just like we fell..

If only it would happen that quickly


It’s getting easier

My heart didn’t race when I received your text

With every word I read about ‘them’

A little part of me drifts further away

Another piece of my heart goes to her

Soon she’ll have it all.


It’s almost been a year since we met

I can remember it so vividly

It’s as if I’m looking down on us

You walked through the kitchen door

I was standing by the sink

My eyes followed your every move

I envied you.


You were fighting with her that night

But back then she was just a name

There were no feelings of hatred when she was mentioned

You think by now you would have moved on

You’re so intelligent

But when it comes to her

It’s as if your plan fails every time.


Trust me; I know how hard it can be

Trying to fight that feeling…

When her fingertips softly touch your leg

Holding hands while making your way through a crowded room

Sitting at the beach lit only by the moon


I hope this time is different

I hope you realize who she really is

Because you’re worth so much more…

[Via http://lm1103.wordpress.com]