четверг, 28 января 2010 г.

Lesbian Survival Tips 101

     With two full decades under my belt as an “out” lesbian, I have learned how to survive in the topsy-turvy lesbian lifestyle. Here are a few tips from my soapbox, to help you rise above the drama. You may already be aware of many of these guidelines, or you may want to try some of these strategies to see for yourself. Whatever. It’s your life.

Lesbian Survival Tips to Live By:

1. Nurture your friendships as much as your primary romantic relationship. Good friends are constants in your life, while partners often come and go, until you figure out what you’re doing.

2. Buy some nice clothes and stop wearing those Dockers and Oxford, button-down shirts every single day. Enough already. You CAN get too much of a good thing. I understand the appeal of khakis as much as the next lesbo. You’ll find when you take some pride in your appearance and buy something fashionable and new, women will notice your added confidence as you strut your stuff, and find you more attractive.

3. Invest in a nice hairstyle. It’s money well spent. Just say no to mullets. (See reason listed above.)

4. Exercise and keep in shape. It will improve your sex life, which will enhance your marriage/dating life, which will spill over into all parts of your world, and ultimately make you a happier person.

5. When in doubt, give her another chance. Then, when you need for her to be understanding about your screw ups, she’ll give you the benefit of the doubt too.

6. As tempting as it is when you’re lonely and single, try not to go overboard on the number of pets you adopt or rescue, keeping in mind that some day you will wind up blending your menagerie with another lesbian’s. In most of metro Atlanta, there are limits on the number of pets you can legally own. I know what you’re thinking….they have to catch me first.

7. Be fearless when dating and get out there and try it all. You never know where your next girlfriend will be hanging out. But, you can be sure that you will better your odds, if you mix and mingle as much as possible. Sign up for the LesbianWinkMatchmaker .com dating site. Go to the dancing lessons on the calendar. Attend the  Fourth Tuesday events.  Take a yoga class to calm your nerves. Join a sports team. Sign up for a book club.

8. Always strive to learn something new. By committing to a life of ongoing learning, you will always have something to talk about, and keep those brain cells stimulated and youthful.

9. Never drive drunk. It’s tempting, but don’t do it! It can ruin your life and someone else’s.

10. Stay away from the “Woe is Me” lesbian crowd. You can always recognize them. They are the ones frowning and complaining about how they’ve been wronged, looking backward instead of forward. BORING!

11. As an adult, you get to make your own family out of friends. If your biological family is not supportive of your lifestyle choices, detach with compassion. Keep the door open out of love, allowing them to play a bigger role in your life, only after they evolve and become more supportive of who you are. Lead by example, with your compassion for them. Show them, don’t tell them, that they have to earn the right to your precious time.

12. Never give up your dreams or your friends, even after you find your soul mate and settle into wedded bliss.

[Via http://lesbianwink.wordpress.com]

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