воскресенье, 3 января 2010 г.

The Aborable Diner

                                                                                                      One evening after work my mother asked me if I wanted to have dinner with her at this adorable little diner she found in Fullerton. I am a sucker for hole-in-the-wall eateries and she was willing to pay which was great, because with the rent she was charging me, my car, and college tuition – I was broke.

The diner was in fact, adorable and the food was great to boot. We proceeded with our usual small talk which consisted of weather, work, and her new boyfriend. I was happy to discuss her happiness, because she wasn’t focusing on me and what see liked to refer to as my “shortcomings.” She would always tell me where she was at age 20 – which apparently was not living with her mom and working in a record store to pay for school.

“How is your friend Alex doing?” She asked.

“Oh, umm, she’s fine.” I said rather curiously. My mother usually never asks about my friends.

“Are you guys doing anything this weekend?” She asked.

“I don’t know, London has a pal visiting from out-of-town.” I said, “We probably all will take in a movie or something.”

“Well, that sounds nice.” She said then put her hands in her lap. She took a deep breathe, “I wanted to ask you something.”

I knew it, “What’s that?” I started to take a drink of my soda.

“Are you and Alex a couple?” She asked as if she was asking if I had cancer.

My soda came out of my nose. “Alexandra?”

“Yes, are you a lesbian?” She said seriously this time. I was too busy laughing. “Valentine, this is not a laughing matter.”

“Yes it is. No, I am not a lesbian. Yes, Alex is, but I’m not.” I said, finally claiming down from laughing.

“I was only asking because you spend so much time with her, and you haven’t had a boyfriend in a long time.”I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Yeah, thanks for reminding me.” I replied.  I hadn’t had a boyfriend since I was 18. Not for a lack of trying, I just the one I was interested at the time was somewhat geographically undesirable living six hours away and I was rather busy with other things like work, college, and did I mention work.

 “I’m sorry, but, I was talking to Marline. And she said that girls who hang out with other lesbians become lesbians.”  She said a matter of factly.  Marline, my mother’s friend was a nice enough lady, but where she got her information from is anyone’s guess.

“Ah, well, you can tell Marline that I am not a lesbian.”  I said with a slight giggle. “Although, will my luck with guys maybe I should consider girls.”

My mother looked mortified.

“Too soon?”

[Via http://crazymomblog.wordpress.com]

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