воскресенье, 27 декабря 2009 г.

Conservative Group Threatens to Pull Out

Something is afoot. A gay Republican group, GOProud, recently applied to sponsor Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which is essentially the premier annual gathering of crazies conservatives in D.C. As you might expect several of their prospective co-sponsors didn’t appreciate sharing the ticket with their homosexual brethren and threatened to pull out. Then comes along David Keene, the head of CPAC’s main organizing group, who had this to say:

In his e-mail response, Keene admitted GOProud “has signed on as a CPAC co-sponsor, but will have no speakers and we told them that, in fact, since opposition to gay marriage, etc are consensus positions (if not unanimous) among conservatives, these topics are not open to debate.”

Which basically translates as: sure we’ll take your money but you can’t speak and the issues you care about won’t even be discussed.

Kind of makes you wonder why GOProud even bothered….

[Via http://queerbakersfield.com]

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