воскресенье, 25 октября 2009 г.

Are we all actually lesbians?

So, we went away for a girlie weekend which was brilliant fun – driving, eating, yomping around, drinking etc. All good. This morning we were all feeling a little sore of head from vast quantities of alcohol so put on an American film called Kissing Jessica Stein, not one I’d heard of before. And as we happily watch Ms Stein experiment with lesbianism, Charlotte wonders aloud, ’so, is this film implying that we’re all actually secret lesbians?’?

A quick assessment of the situation – me, lounging in my bra and pyjama bottoms (due to general disagreement about the temperature of the room) and Charlotte casually running her fingers through Louise’s hair, gave me my answer. No Char, course we’re not!!

It does scare me slightly though, that any men I meet in a non-platonic way have a lot to live up to. My friends, both male and female, are awesome – they make me laugh; they like me despite my ridicularities; they put up with my crap and they let me sit around in my bra when I feel it’s necessary. Think this search could go on for some time!

Now I have to go and buy microwavable carbs. Should probably put some clothes on.


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